Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Who Holds Your Reins?

   One of my favorite praise songs is called “Our God Reigns”.

    Anyone who know me knows that I love interpretive sign language.  As I sing this song and sign it, the sign for reigns shows its significance in my life.  The sign consists of holding both hands in front of the body as though loosely holding the reins of a horse.  This reminds me of how our Lord, Jesus holds the reins of our lives and gently guides us down the path of His will …IF we let him. 

    A horse chooses whether to surrender to the lead of the reins.  He can fight and pull against the bridle, defying the will of the rider.  In fighting he will suffer the pain inflicted by the bridle bit as it cuts into the sides of his mouth and possibly his tongue.  The wounds are not life threatening, but they are very painful and get worse with more rebellion.  Sound familiar?  It does to me.

    This horse also has the choice of surrendering to the will of the rider and allowing a gentle tug, even a slight lean of the reins on his neck to guide him and keep him on the path.  He finds this surrender to be very pleasant.  There is no pain, he avoids pitfalls on the road that he might not have seen or been familiar with.  It is easier to pull or carry his load … note that the load is not lifted, it is made easier to bear. 

    This is, to me, a perfect picture of our lives as Christians.  There is no doubt that we have a Rider.  There is no doubt that He knows the path ahead.  But we must learn to surrender to His guidance if we are to avoid the pitfalls on that path.  We must allow that gentle tug or leaning of the reins to let us know when we are straying a bit from the best part of the road.  If we surrender to that guidance our life will be much more productive for the Lord.  We also will learn so much more because He has the time to teach us wisdom instead of having to spend that time correcting our rebellion.

    Just a thought …Who holds your reins?

"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus"
Romans 8:1

Please see our website at http://www.aboundingjoy.com

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Am I Teachable?

   Steve and I had breakfast with two of our favorite friends this morning.  As we caught up with all of the things going on in each of our lives, we once again found that God was central in our conversation.  We thrilled to learn how our Lord is working in each of our lives and shared in the joy and excitement for each other.  Soon we found our conversation taking turns onto new roads that are not traveled nearly enough among us as Christians… in my humble opinion.

   There are certain things that are non-negotiable to us who are true believers and followers of our Lord Jesus.  Examples:  Jesus is God.  He came to earth as a man.  He lived a perfect life with no sin at all.  He was crucified for our sins.  He died and rose again.  He lives now at the right hand of the Father awaiting the time appointed to come for His bride, the church.  The Bible is God’s holy, inspired Word, true in every aspect and without contradiction or error.  There is no way to heaven but by Jesus Christ alone, just to name a few.  These things must be agreed upon in order to be a Christian believer. 

   But… there are other things that can be considered negotiable.   There are subjects that should be interesting to discuss because there really might be more than one way to interpret the meaning of some scriptures.  I will not give specific examples here, but deal in generalities.

   It seems that the Baptist Church, and I use this denomination only because I belong to a Baptist Church and so am familiar with it, is very disinclined to want to participate in open discussion of some subjects.  We seem to be afraid to allow our minds to be open to the fact that maybe, just maybe, we don’t have all of the answers nailed down correctly.  Tradition, misunderstanding, outright refusal to study on our own, these could be reasons for this lack of teachability.

   I believe that the Lord is pleased for us to approach His Word without preconceived ideas.  To look at it without preparing the way with what our parents, teachers, preachers, commentary authors, etc have said.  Now that in no way should be interpreted to say that I don’t think we should listen, read and learn from these wise people.  Good, complete Bible study always should include the wisdom of solid Bible teachers.  It just means that I believe it is good to sit down with the scriptures and try to see what God has said right there on the pages of the Bible.  What does He literally say!  No previous interpretation from someone else.  Sometimes when we allow ourselves to listen to God’s Word this way, He teaches us some surprising truths.  Sometimes, our traditional concepts are not as black and white as we thought.  You know, the reason that all scholars do not agree with each other is because somebody allowed themselves to think differently than tradition instructed. 

   Now, as my wonderfully wise husband reminds me often, we must have balance.  I do not mean to say that we can twist scripture and make it mean what we want in the name of negotiable thought.  We must remember that God’s Holy Word is absolute and without contradiction or error.  We cannot make up meaning to any part of it.  Unfortunately that is what has happened in the cultic and heretical movements that are so popular today.  We must be very careful to compare scripture with scripture and ask the Lord to keep us closely on track.  But that does not mean just accepting the interpretation that someone else has come up with no matter how long it has been around or how much of a traditional belief it has become.

   I long for a day when we as Christians can sit down with each other to an open discussion without fear of “what other people will think”.  I long for a time when we can stretch our Biblical thinking and study to “sharpen” each other as the Bible teaches and not condemn or discredit each other for a different interpretation that just possibly could be true and right. 

"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus"
Romans 8:1

Please see our website at http://www.aboundingjoy.com

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What Now?

What now?  Well, the truth is, I don't know.  The only thing that I am absolutely sure of is that Jesus is God and that He is ultimately in control.  That will NEVER change.  That is our ONLY hope.

 But as I think about the results of our Presidential election I wonder if the nation really understands what has taken place.  I listen to people with tears in their eyes and choked voices applauding the results and saying that change is on the way and they finally have hope for America.  Well, that may be.  But what will be the definition of this new America?

 Our unborn children are now in more peril than ever before.  Our school children, not to mention the teachers, will be shocked ( I hope! ) at the changes in the curriculum of our public schools as we move toward total acceptance of ghastly sin and the destruction of the American family.  Our churches are in mortal danger as the opportunity for free speech is re-defined and breeches of this new definition not only mean the loss of tax exempt advantages but are made prosecutable.  Our military... so important to all of us, but especially to me because of our son, Jared, is now under the leadership of a Commander in Chief who does NOT support our efforts toward freedom for America or any other country.  The Supreme Court of our land, already misusing its power to make law instead of interpreting it, will most likely be transformed into the most liberal minded court ever seen in this country.  This one thing makes the will of the people of the United States mean absolutely nothing. 

 How far into socialism will we sink?  I don't know that either, but our health care system is first on the radar screen.  You know, there are REASONS why our Canadian neighbors come HERE for care that they are unable to get in their own country!!  Our small businesses are on the firing line also.  I don't know what "spreading the wealth around" really means in Obama's mind, but I know that it does not bode well for the incentives to succeed that we have encouraged up until now.

 So, what now?  Well, I know that for me I am called to prayer as never before.  I am called to "be about my Father's business".  I am convicted of my past laziness on behalf of the Lord's will for my life and the work that He has for me while I am here on this earth that He created.  I am not afraid.  I am not depressed.  I am not despondent.  I AM DETERMINED!  Whatever lies ahead, Jesus is God and He is ultimately in control.  That will NEVER change.  That is our ONLY hope.

 I encourage you to remember that and to ask Him for His wisdom and guidance.  Don't overlook or shy away from any opportunity to stand for Him, serve Him, praise Him and worship Him!

"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus"
Romans 8:1

Please see our website at http://www.aboundingjoy.com

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Am I Now An Orphan?

   1997 was an interesting year for my family.  Both of my parents died,  2 weeks,  to the day, apart.  Mom had been dealing with some health issues for a few years, but nothing that was critical.  Daddy was fine apart from some intermittent back pain.  The Saturday before Easter we found that Mom needed surgery for an aortic aneursym. By May 24th, they both had died:  Mom of complications of pneumonia after the surgery and Daddy from colon cancer that had spread to the spine as well as all major organs.
   That was one of the most difficult trials of my life.  But the Lord was SO GOOD to me throughout that time.  I held each one of my parents in my arms as they died.  That was precious to me.  My memories of their last moments are very dear.  Jesus assured me even through my grief that He was with me, strengthening me, giving me peace, comfort and even joy.  
   Daddy loved to paint.  He was not professional by any standards, but he did his best and enjoyed the hobby.  He especially love to paint birds.  One of his favorites was the Red Bird.  As Daddy died, we heard outside his bedroom window the call of a Cardinal.  It seemed fitting.
  There is a saying that goes like this... "God does not give dying grace on non-dying days".  How true that is!  He gives us the grace we need just for the moment we are in.  Had you asked me before April of 1997 if I would be able to "handle" the unexpected death of both of my parents within the next few weeks I would have said NO, there is no way I could think of such a thing.  But He gave me not just what I needed... but ALL that I needed to walk throught that valley.  
   And HE WILL do the same for you.  If you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior.  He will be ALL that you need in ANY situation.  Not only that... He will use those trials to build your faith and the faith of others.  As my friends watched me during that difficult time, they often said things like "I don't see how you can stand this!", or "I can't believe you are so calm and peaceful", and "Where do you get your strength? I could not do this!".  I had the opportunity to share the very real presence of Jesus in my life during a time when many people would have "fallen apart".  And I still get opportunities to share what He did for me.  Even today Jesus puts me in situations that make it clear that He wants me to share my experience and through that He gives peace, comfort and joy to others during heavy trials.
   So, what about my original question... Am I now an orphan?  Well, as far as I am concerned the answer is a resounding NO!!!  I have the most wonderful, powerful, loving Father.  He owns the cattle on a thousand hills.  He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  He is my Provider, my Healer, my Comforter, my Strength, my Helper, my Peace, my Banner, my Righteousness, my Shepherd, and He is HERE with me always!  
   The same can be true for you.  If you don't know Him and would like to, please email me.  I would love to introduce you to my "Daddy".
"There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus"
Romans 8:1

Please see our website at http://www.aboundingjoy.com